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7 Best Kids Indoor Birthday Party Games

Indoor party games are a great example of the type of easy and enjoyable party concept that work best. There is a plethora of indoor birthday party activities for kids and toddlers, whether you host the party at home or book a private party with My Signature Party. The next time you’re planning a party for your kid, check out these creative indoor party game suggestions they’re sure to enjoy.

Hide and go seek

Whether you’re having a party indoors or out, Hide and Go Seek is a fun and energetic game for kids of all ages to play. The youngsters all hide in different rooms or areas of the house or party venue, and the seeker’s job is to track them all down. The individual the seeker locates first becomes the seeker for the next round.

Duck, Duck, Goose

This running-based party game gets kids of all ages moving and having a great time. For the game Duck, Duck, Goose, the kids sit in a circle, and one of them goes around patting everyone’s head and shouting “duck.” Anyone who gets patted on the head by the seeker and told to “goose” must immediately get to their feet and chase the seeker around the circle. The seeker loses that status if he or she beats the other person to the seat. Otherwise, the seeker will continue to be a seeker if they are tagged before they get a chance to sit down.

Egg and Spoon Race

The egg-and-spoon race is a good indoor activity for kids and adults alike. You should prepare a sufficient number of hard-boiled eggs for the number of kids who will be attending the party, or you may use plastic Easter eggs and collect the same number of spoons. Provide each kid with a spoon and an egg, then show them how to balance the egg on the spoon. As quickly as possible, and without letting the egg fall off the spoon, you must reach the finish line to win.

Treasure Hunt

The kids will be sprinting around the house or the party location like crazy to see who can complete the scavenger or treasure hunt first. You can quickly prepare the game by writing down clues to the treasure’s location. To begin, give each group of children or team a suggestion and enjoy watching them discover the treasure!

Bean Bag Toss

This game is a hit with youngsters whether you use a corn-hole board or improvise with some buckets. Usually there are two teams competing against one another. In order to play corn-hole, you’ll need to set up your boards, or buckets, such that each team has at least one. Rather than having the kids stay on one squad all the time, have them switch back and forth. Whoever can successfully toss the most bean bags into their opponent’s bucket(s) is the winner.


It’s simple to put together a game of Charades, which is a lot of fun. Put various items, including “monkey,” “TV,” “going to bed,” and “singer,” on separate slips of paper. Separate the youngsters into two groups. Each team will randomly select one sheet of paper. One team member at a time will read the paper’s instructions and perform the corresponding actions without using words. Before time runs out, their team must make an educated guess as to what it is. The winning team is the one with the most correct guesses at the end of the game.

Pass the Parcel

This is a great game for kids because the winner gets a treat! Buy a present that all the kids at the party will like–maybe a toy or a sweet. Then use several layers of wrapping paper to protect the gift. Give out the gifts while the youngsters are seated in a circle. They’ll take turns peeling back the paper, one sheet at a time. Whoever takes off the last layer wins the present!

Kids can choose from a wide variety of entertaining indoor games and party activities. Kids of all ages will have a blast at your child’s birthday party no matter what games you decide to play.

Contact a representative from My Signature Party to find out more about our private birthday parties and how to throw your kid (or anyone else’s) The Best Birthday Parties on the Planet.

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